Friday, November 7, 2008

CAT VA shikhamaru style

Consider the situation .. have a reading speed of around 400-500 words per min .
2.Good Critical reasoning skills but sometimes sometimes take more time than necessary in questions.
3.Grammar is above average and so is diction .
4.Vocab is weaker but manageable.
5.Mock scores in VA have been above cutoffs and in higher 90's ..(basically u are acing the section but still underperforming)

plan A 
Read passages First then attack verbal ability questions.
Assuming 25 questions per section.
No of passages =3 10 questions on RC rest 15 (para completion , SC ,FIJ ,parajumbles)
Now you are slower in FIJ rather than the rest FIJ comes .. 
Sentence correction question can be attempted in 2 mins per question.
paracompletion too 2 mins .. so basically its 30 mins ..
for these
but we got 10 min per passage and answering . basically we gotta do something faster..

how to go about passages ,reading comprehension.
Scan and solve when in a hurry.
rather than reading the passage read the question and then pinpoint the choices given in the passage,this decreases time taken.

paracompletion- this is faster to solve critical reasoning.Understanding the tone of the passage is important here.Just read the passage with choices would be it for this .

parajumbles -find links ,look for common words in the sentences given ,where they maintain flow of thought and just check the final product by reading it as a passage.

FIJ -remember ,facts can be verified ,judgements have to sound judgemental ,inferences are about the unknown on the basis of facts.

SC -well this is something which includes subject verb agreement ,infinitives gerunds .. etc longlist of grammar rules which we have been learning since we were kids .

Vocab based - this is our virendra sehwag this guy might get you a hundred but might get out for zero.Not dependable some CR can help but not too much.

plan A is  RC first  max limit is 25-30 mins then EU 25 mins or less.
plan B ,i see EU and RC are same 13,12 (15 ,10)questions each ,here we might need a couple of mins for RC here the 30 min 20 min split works best.
take your time and get 12/15 in RC .EU will be the bonus .

plan C 5 passages  
easy passages expected here ,scan and point in hanging around.
30 mins-35 min 10-15 mins split

plan D 2 passages and loads of verbal stuff 
believe in yourself ,this still can work out ,the passages will be easy in this case
this will help to decrease the time taken.40 mins should be enough in this case.